Tips From Your Friends at Craftikit: 5 Unique Gifts Your Toddler Will Love
Ask anyone who has recently spent time with a toddler, and they’ll tell you—finding an activity to hold the interest of a 1 – 3-year-old child can be tough. And while it may be hard to hear, we hope it provides some small comfort to know that this super short attention span is developmentally normal. According to pediatric experts, the average attention span for a toddler is 3 – 5 minutes per year of age. That means a one-year-old child likely has an attention span of 3 – 5 minutes, while a three-year-old can attend for 9 – 15 minutes.
This means any gift you purchase for a toddler should be unique and engaging, a challenge your friends at Craftikit were excited to accept. And so, without further ado, here is our list of 5 unique gifts your toddler will love!
Glowing Bath Time Cubes, $20
It can be challenging to convince wiggly littles to sit still during bath time, but these fun, glowing bath cubes are sure to hold the attention of you child long enough to scrub toes and wash hair. Each set comes with 8 cubes that begin to glow as soon as they come in contact with liquid and project a fun image on anything near them. Turn down the lights and your child will be transfixed while you take care of bath time business!
Chopping Fun Learning Pot, $22
Your junior chef will love exploring the culinary world with this fun and imaginative set. Children can chop veggies and hear a variety of sounds as they drop the pieces in the pot. And don’t be surprised when the pot talks back! This interactive toy helps toddlers expand their vocabulary, identify foods and colors, and practice following directions. Your child is sure to have a soup-tastic good time!
Craftikit, $30
Any list of creative toddler toys won’t be complete without our very own Craftikit! Each kit is packed with TWENTY fun and engaging craft projects that are sure to keep even the wiggliest toddler entertained! While toddlers will require supervision and helping on for certain tasks, you’ll be amazed how much they have crumpling tissue and gluing pieces together…all while they build important fine motor skills!
Spike the Fine Motor Hedgehog, $10
And speaking of fine motor skills, this cute hedgehog is sure to keep little hands entertained as they build dexterity. The poor little critter has lost his quill, and your toddler can help by replacing the peg-shaped quills back into the hedgehog’s back.
This toy is great for learning colors, counting, and sorting, and children can also practice making patterns with the quills. There’s no end to the fun they’ll have!
Magnetic Tile Set, $26
This bright and colorful tile set is a toy that will grow with your child! Toddlers love connecting the magnets and snapping pieces together in one-dimensional designs. As they grow, children develop the dexterity to create three-dimensional shapes. The only limit to what they can create are their own imaginations!
We hope these ideas have provided some out-of-the-box inspiration the next time you’re looking for a unique toddler gift.
Happy Shopping!
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